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Samuel R. Beyes

Sam Beyes is a very enthusiastic and hardworking member within the Order. Since his induction he has served his Chapter as Chapter Chief, Second Vice Chief, and as a Chapter Chairman. During his time as a Ceremonialist, Sam has performed numerous ceremonies. Sam has also served his District on several Camporee Staffs and recently was a Camporee Campmaster. Sam also serves his District as a Den Chief for many Cub Scout day camps. For his enthusiastic dedication to the Scouting program we cheerfully nominate Samuel R. Beyes for the Vigil Honor.

Nicole R. Bopp

Scouter Nicole Bopp is truly dedicated to the Order and the Scouting community. She current serves as Chapter Adviser and has served her Chapter as a Ceremonial Team Adviser and Camp Promotion Adviser. Nicole has provided valuable support to the members of her Chapter’s Ceremonial Teams, helping them with learning their roles, and constructing their regalia. Within her Troop, she serves as the Committee Chairman, Fundraising Chair, and Religious Emblem Coordinator. For her enthusiastic service to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow, we proudly nominate Nicole R. Bopp for the Vigil Honor.

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