How will we meet these goals?
We are working on a variety of ways to meet these goals in 2023.
Below you can find a list of what we have already been doing, and what we plan to do in the future.
What we’ve done so far
Strengthen the OA Program at the Unit Level
- New council-wide Unit Representative form. Promoted at the council, lodge, and chapter levels. When a unit fills out the form again, it will update the name listed as their representative. We can use this information to regularly send information to unit reps.
- More information can be found at shawneelodge.org/unit
Improve Upon Chapter Communication
- For every Lodge event, we send out a social media package to the chapters that they can utilize to promote events.
Enhance the Quantity and Quality of Events
- The lodge has just begun the “Quality Chapter Initiative”, which recognizes high-performing chapters. This program also has a monetary incentive for higher performance, that the chapter can then use to improve its events.
- More information can be found at shawneelodge.org/qci
- In our annual budget, we have allocated more money to Spring Conclave and Fall Reunion for games and activities, all while keeping the cost of these events the same. What this means is more fun program at Spring Conclave and Fall Reunion.
Enhance Leadership Experiences at All Levels
- The Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) is the governing body of the lodge and is comprised of all chapter and lodge officers. The LEC meets six times a year to discuss and vote on plans for the Lodge. This year, one of our goals is to have more discussions and utilize the LEC to make more decisions.
What we plan to do
Strengthen the OA Program at the Unit Level
- A recognition program for units and unit representatives. We are exploring options on how we can effectively build this and promote it. National currently has a program called the OA Unit of Excellence Award. We are likely to utilize this program and start promoting it in our lodge.
Improve Upon Chapter Communication
- Currently, we are working on revamping the chapter websites. These new websites will be easier to update and allow for more help from the lodge.
Enhance the Quantity and Quality of Events
- The lodge plans to take more of a role in supporting chapters with their yearly program. This means providing ideas for chapter meetings and service projects. It also means checking in to make sure regular events are being scheduled.
Enhance Leadership Experiences at All Levels
- A fall officer training is scheduled for after Fall Reunion. Hopefully, this will help new chapter leadership understand their role better and be more equipped to be leaders in their chapter. This in turn should enhance the experience of chapter chairman.