Quick Info
- When: April 12-14, 2024
- Where: Beaumont Scout Reservation
Ordeal candidates called out in 2023 who have not yet completed their Ordeal are invited to do so at this event. Brothers who are interested in sealing their membership in the Order by completing the Brotherhood Honor can do so at this event. The 2024 Shawnee Lodge Vigil Honor class will be recognized at a special ceremony on Saturday evening.
Ticket Information
All guests attending the Conclave must purchase a ticket. Upon arrival at the conclave, you will be issued a wristband that will serve as your pass to the weekend.
In order to secure a ticket at the best price, it is recommended that you purchase a ticket well in advance of the event. We are currently at regular pricing, however, a late fee will be applied if you don’t register before April 7th. Early Registration is strongly recommended.
Members who have already completed their Ordeal should purchase a brother ticket. The brother ticket includes access to all of the weekend’s activities. The brother ticket with dinner includes all of the activities like the brother ticket, and also includes dinner on Saturday evening. All ticket options include an event patch.
Candidates completing their Ordeal during the Spring Conclave should purchase a candidate ticket before the event. The candidate ticket includes Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Saturday and access to the weekend’s activities. It also includes an event patch.
Ticket Prices
Late fee is applied if not paid in full by 11:59pm am on Sunday, April 7th
Brother Ticket: $16
Brother Ticket with Dinner: $23
Candidate Ticket: $23
Early Bird Pricing:
Early Bird pricing is available if paid in full by 11:59pm on Friday, March 22nd.
Brother Ticket: $11
Brother Ticket with Dinner: $18
Candidate Ticket: $18
Event Details
Pre-Ordeal Candidates:
Candidates who have not completed their Pre-Ordeal ceremony should meet in the Council Ring on Friday night at 9:15PM. They should be in field uniform and come with a tarp, sleeping mat and bag, pillow, and water bottle. They will return to their Chapter Headquarters in the morning.
All Candidates:
All Ordeal candidates will meet at their Chapter Headquarters at 6:30 AM on Saturday to begin work in various service projects to benefit Beaumont. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided to Candidates.
Water Bottle
Work Gloves
Work Tools (Loppers, Bow Saw, Rake, etc.)
The THUNDERZONE will make a return at Spring Conclave inside Emerson Center and spread throughout Parade Field. Join us for half an hour or all afternoon as there will be countless activities for all Arrowmen!