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Shawnee Lodge Vigil Honor Candidates for 2014 were announced at the annual Lodge Winter Fellowship Banquet held in December 2013. Ten Arrowmen were selected for their outstanding service to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow. Among those Arrowmen, Pathfinder had one member become a 2014 Vigil Honor Candidates. Congratulations to Ryan Stoeckel.

Ryan D. Stoeckel

Eagle Scout Ryan Stoeckel truly exemplifies the principles of cheerful service in the Order of the Arrow. He has served his chapter as Webmaster and currently is serving as chapter chief. When his chapter’s camp promotions program fell through, Ryan, at the time just a webmaster chairman, took most of the promotions on himself to help spread the word about our Council’s camping program. Last year he volunteered to be a part of his chapter’s very first Pre-Ordeal team and was instrumental in leading his fellow Arrowmen. For his eagerness to serve and his cheerful attitude that truly exemplifies the principles of the Order, we wholeheartedly nominate Ryan D. Stoeckel for the Vigil honor.

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