Quick Info
- When: September 6-8, 2024
- Where: S bar F Scout Ranch
The Fall Reunion is the biggest event that Shawnee Lodge puts on each year! 1,200+ Arrowmen will be in attendance as we induct new members into our Order, witness Arrowmen seal their membership in our Order, and much more!

Ticket Information
All guests attending the Fall Reunion must purchase a ticket. Upon arrival at the event, you will be issued a wristband that will serve as your pass to the weekend.
In order to secure a ticket at the best price, it is recommended that you purchase a ticket well in advance of the event. Early Bird registration ends Saturday, August 18th at 11:59 PM. After that day, prices will increase to regular event costs. Early Bird Registration is strongly recommended.
Members who have already completed their Ordeal should purchase a brother ticket. The brother ticket includes access to all of the weekend’s activities. The brother ticket with dinner includes all of the activities like the brother ticket, and also includes dinner on Saturday evening.
Candidates completing their Ordeal during Fall Reunion should purchase a candidate ticket before the event. The candidate ticket includes Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Saturday and access to the weekend’s activities. It also includes an event patch.
Season Pass holders should reference their membership cards for an event password when registering. For your convenience, this will also be emailed out to all pass holders who have not registered for the event at different times during the registration period.
After 9/1 a late fee will be added to each registration. Due to the last minute nature of these reservations, meal and patch availability can not be guarenteed. Once meals are sold out they will no longer be available for purchase on the registration website.
Ticket Prices
Early Bird Ends August 18, 2024
Late Registration Begins September 2, 2024
Early Bird – $18
Regular Price – $23
Late Registration – $30
Includes Saturday Dinner.
Early Bird – $11
Regular Price – $16
Late Registration – $25
Includes no meals.
Early Bird – $18
Regular Price – $23
Late Registration – $30
Includes Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.
Those registering as a Brother With Dinner can upgrade to a Weekend Meal Plan for an additional $15. The Meal Plan includes Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner on Saturday. Please choose the amount of tickets you would like to upgrade. This meal plan is only available to those registering as a Brother with Dinner. More information about times and location for meals will be communicated closer to the event.
Season Passes purchased prior to April 1st cover event registration for the Fall Reunion. The pass does not include additional meals. Pass holders should select the “Season Pass” option and enter the event password located on their membership card. If you have lost your password, please reach out to dues@shawneelodge.org for assistance.
Event Overview
Fall Reunion is Shawnee Lodge’s largest event each year. Candidates elected in the summertime join Arrowmen from across the 9 Chapters to serve in various projects at S bar F Scout Ranch in Knob Lick, MO.
Outlined in the event map are locations for each Chapter for the weekend. Attendees provide their own tenting arrangements and may purchase meal options with their ticket. Also located in the Chapter’s area is the Chapter Headquarters, where attendees can ask questions and meet for various activities.
On Friday night the Lodge hosts its yearly Officer elections where current youth Arrowmen (under 21) can vote on the leadership team for the upcoming year.
Candidates who did not participate in a Shawnee Pre-Ordeal ceremony at summer camp will have the opportunity to this on Friday night as well. They must meet outside the Famous Eagle dining hall at 10 PM with a sleeping bag, mat, pillow, and tarp in field uniform.
Saturday is full of service, fellowship, and fun! At 6:30 AM, all Candidates report to their Chapter Headquarters to begin their Ordeal service projects. Current Arrowmen meet at their Chapter HQ at 8 AM. After service, Candidates and Arrowmen can join together at Wenzel Lodge, in the THUNDERZONE, for all sorts of fun activities and comraderie.
At 3 PM, Chapters hold meetings with all Arrowmen and Candidates. During this time, they will host their own elections for Chapter Officers. These meetings will be followed by the Lodge Officer installation at the Famous Eagle Parade Field and dinner for those who purchased a ticket.
Following dinner, Ordeal and Brotherhood ceremonies will be held. Details can be found on the event schedule.
The Fall Reunion will conclude on Sunday with gates closing at 11 AM.
Event Resources

The 2023-24 Officer term will come to an end at Fall Reunion this year. With that comes elections for the next year of leadership! Youth under 21 are eligible to run for both Chapter and Lodge positions. If you are wanting to advance your leadership and learn more about what it takes to run OA events, consider running for office! For more information on how to run, please contact your current Chapter Chief or Adviser. Their information can be found on your Chapter’s website.
2024-2025 Lodge Officer Nominations:
Lodge Chief: Ndrian Devos and Lorenzo Gutting
First Vice Chief: Clayton Edelson and Miranda Machalek
Second Vice Chief: Brandon Fisher and Trey Maxwell
Corresponding Secretary: Nathan King and David Miller
Recording Secretary: Sophia Grant and Liam Hays
Treasurer: Kalki Devos and Noah Hutchinson
Current members who have completed their Ordeal at least 6 months prior to Fall Reunion are eligible to earn Brotherhood Membership!
The Order of the Arrow’s purposes include recognizing individuals who exemplify the Scout Oath and Law, promoting camping and outdoor adventure, and cheerfully serving others.
The Brotherhood Honor signifies full membership in the Order of the Arrow, showing an individual’s commitment to the ideals of Scouting and the Order.
In 2022, over 120 Shawnee Lodge Arrowmen further sealed their membership in our Lodge and Order by earning Brotherhood.
To earn Brotherhood, an Arrowman must attend one Chapter meeting and one Lodge event, participate in an OA Service Project, camp six days and nights, and have approval from their unit leader.
At Fall Reunion, Chapters will host brotherhood questioning that all Arrowmen seeking Brotherhood must complete. A statement of rededication must also be submitted at this time.
A $25 Brotherhood fee can be added during registration or paid at Fall Reunion for any Arrowman seeking Brotherhood Membership.
Candidates who were called out in 2024 have 18 months to complete their Ordeal and seal their membership in the Order of the Arrow. This includes the 2024 Fall Reunion, 2025 Spring Conclave, and 2025 Fall Reunion.
Pre-Ordeal Candidates:
Candidates who have not completed their Pre-Ordeal ceremony should meet outside the Famous Eagle dining hall on Friday night at 10 PM. They should be in field uniform and come with a tarp, sleeping mat and bag, pillow, and water bottle. They will return to their Chapter Headquarters in the morning.
All Candidates:
All Ordeal candidates will meet at their Chapter Headquarters at 6:30 AM on Saturday to begin work in various service projects to benefit the S-F Scout Ranch. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided to Candidates.
Water Bottle
Work Gloves
Work Tools (Loppers, Bow Saw, Rake, etc.)
After a day of service, Candidates will enjoy fun games and activities at the THUNDERZONE.
At 7 PM Candidates will once again gather for the Ordeal Ceremony where they will receive their sash and join the Brotherhood of Cheerful Service.
**Special accommodations may be made for Candidates with mobility issues upon communicating with their Chapter leadership**
Questions? Email us at help@shawneelodge.org

Welcome to the next evolution of Check-In at Shawnee Lodge Events!
Continuing at Fall Reunion, members will use their membership cards to check into events. Each card has a barcode which will be scanned upon entry to camp. Event staff will be giving out wristbands and patches at check-in locations.
Vehicles entering camp will be directed down the main road, toward the camporee field, then divided into four check-in lanes. Staff will be stationed at each lane ready to check members in. Each member in a vehicle should have their membership card ready to hand to staff for scanning. Ordeal members, candidates, and those who did not bring their card will be searched through our database by their last name.
Vehicles towing a trailer will be directed through the trailer bypass. Like the other stations, a staff member will check-in each member in the vehicle.
Anyone who did not pre-register for the event or is having issues checking in will be directed to park at Wenzel Lodge and proceed to the help desk.