Alexander Ficken
Brotherhood member Alexander Ficken has shown exemplary service to the Pathfinder Chapter in recent years. He has served as the AOL/Crossover Chairman and is currently the Program Chairman. Alexander is also a member of the Chapter’s Ceremonial Team. Participating in many ceremonies for the Chapter, Alexander has also been on a winning New Ordeal team at the Arrowman Experience. For his dedication to supporting the chapter in ceremonies and chairman roles, we wholeheartedly present the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award.
Tylor Krieger
Eagle Scout Tylor Krieger has been a truly dedicated member of the Order of the Arrow. Tylor holds the honor of Bortherhood and has served on the Chapter Ceremonial Team since his induction. He has served as AOL/Crossover Chairman and currently serves as Second Vice Chief. Tylor and his team recently competed and won for a New Ordeal Team at Arrowman Experience. Tylor is always willing to jump in and help wherever necessary with a smile on his face. For his enthusiastic spirit, we happily present the Jack J. Sopir Arrowman of the Year Award.
Elin Asvaldsdottir
Scouter Elin Asvaldsdottir has shown exemplary service to the Pathfinder Chapter. Since her induction, Elin has been a dedicated member. Elin immediately worked to form a troop ceremonial team to perform the AOL/Crossover ceremonies for their pack. Shortly after this, the team merged with the Chapter’s team and continued to offer their talents for Packs in the Pathfinder Chapter. Elin then excitedly assumed the role of AOL/Crossover Adviser. She continues to support the Chapter in any task asked of her. For the last two years, Elin has offered her time and talents to the Lodge, leading a workshop at Arrowmen Experience to help scouts create their own regalia. Elin has served as OA Assistant Scoutmaster and now serves as Scoutmaster for a new troop of young ladies. For her vigilance and dedication, we enthusiastically present the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award.

Joel Portman
Scouter Joel Portman has demonstrated consistent commitment to the Pathfinder Chapter. Joel has served as the Elangomat Adviser for the last seven years. During this time Joel has attended virtually every Spring Conclave and Fall Reunion, spending his days working alongside Arrowmen in the Chapter as the complete their service projects. During the evenings Joel can almost certainly be found on one of the Chapter’s ceremonial sites, watching the candidates he worked with all day as they receive their Ordeal sashes. For Joel’s dedication to the Chapter and its newest Arrowmen, we are excited to nominate Joel A. Portman for the Jack J. Sophir, Arrowman of the Year Award.