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Barbara Barrett

Scouter Barbara Barrett is the prime example and role model of an adult adviser in the Order of the Arrow. Her dedication to the chapter has been felt in every youth member. While serving as a Ceremonial Adviser and now as Chapter Adviser, she ensures the youth are the true leaders of the chapter, while giving valuable advice and guidance. Anyone that has worked with Barbara has seen and experienced her continued dedication to spreading the Order of the Arrow’s program to as many people as she can. Because of her dedication and what she will continue to do in the future, we enthusiastically nominate Barbara S. Barrett for the Vigil Honor.

Brandon Barrett

Eagle Scout Brandon Barrett has tirelessly given himself to the Order of the Arrow and the Scouting community as a whole. In his Chapter, Brandon has excelled as a ceremonialist, Second Vice Chief, and First Vice Chief. Throughout these roles, Brandon has consistently asked how he can help benefit his Chapter and the Lodge. He served in various ways, including rewriting the Elangomat Training for the Lodge, inspiring and training ceremonialists in his Chapter, and planning and leading service projects and chapter meetings. Outside of the Order of the Arrow, Brandon has served Scouting in countless ways, including Sea Scouts, Camporee Staff, and Camp Staff. Whether he is serving as Senior Patrol Leader or as a Chapter Officer, Brandon is willing to work extremely hard and go above and beyond his role. His ability to plan, execute, lead, and inspire is evident in his success in all aspects of Scouting. For his continued service and dedication, we ardently nominate Brandon S. Barrett for the Vigil

Trey Maxwell

Eagle Scout Trey Maxwell has developed a strong desire to serve the Order of the Arrow and the greater Scouting community in many ways. He served his chapter for many years as a chairman and two terms as Secretary. In the district, he used his leadership skills to excel as a camporee staff member, eventually serving as a campmaster. He has helped mentor many other campmasters after him, and has continued to be a model camporee staff member. Trey has dedicated many summers to staffing the National Youth Leader Training program, and has shown his expertise in leadership when training the next leaders of Scouting. As a two term lodge officer, Trey first served as Corresponding Secretary, and this year as Second Vice Chief. Trey’s cheerful dedication to bettering the Scouting and Order through serving as a mentor and leader to many, has proven his worthiness of the Vigil Honor. For those reasons, we heartily nominate Trey P. Maxwell for the Vigil Honor.

Shawnee Lodge Vigil Honor Candidates for 2024 were announced at the annual Lodge Winter Fellowship Banquet on December 17, 2023. Arrowmen were selected for their outstanding service to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow. Among these was three of Pathfinder’s own–their Vigil Biographies are below. To read more about the Vigil Honor, download a Vigil Nomination Form, or to view past recipients of the honor.

Ethan J. Chapie

Eagle Scout Ethan Chapie has made great contributions to his troop, district, and chapter. Ethan has served on many district camporees and klondikes, where his infectious cheerful spirit inspired everyone around him. He has served his chapter as a chairman and as First Vice Chief.  Ethan excelled as First Vice Chief, organizing fantastic chapter events and starting a chapter tradition of social events. Wherever Ethan goes, his cheerful devotion to building brotherhood ensures that everyone there has a great time. Even after moving away for college, Ethan continues to hold a chairmanship and regularly attends events. For his cheerful dedication to all around him, we exuberantly nominate Ethan J. Chapie for the Vigil Honor.

Neil T. Maxwell

Eagle Scout Neil Maxwell has demonstrated tireless and ongoing dedication to the Order of the Arrow and the camping program. In his chapter, Neil has excelled as a ceremonialist, Second Vice Chief, and Chief. Through these roles, Neil always went above and beyond, continuously looking for ways to better support his chapter and its many members. Currently serving as the Lodge Chief, Neil plays a vital role in leading the team to ensure the success of the Order of the Arrow for all members of the Shawnee Lodge. In addition to his contributions within the Order of the Arrow, Neil has served on the council’s Camp Staff and his district’s Camporee Staff. For his continuous service to the Order of the Arrow and the Scouting program, we enthusiastically nominate Neil T. Maxwell for the Vigil Honor.

Lorenzo D. Gutting

Lorenzo Gutting is a shining example of the spirit of Scouting. He cheerfully seeks out tasks that he can help with. Having served both on the National Youth Leadership Training Staff and on Camp Staff, he has enthusiastically helped many Scouts to learn and develop their leadership skills. As a ceremonialist, he is always willing to step in and learn a new role whenever a situation arises. Whether he is serving as Senior Patrol Leader in his troop or as a Shawnee Lodge officer he is always willing to work behind the scenes and receive no recognition for his work. His ability to plan, execute, and inspire is evident in the success of his endeavors in Scouting. For his embodiment of the ideals of the Order of the Arrow, we proudly nominate Lorenzo D. Gutting for the Vigil Honor.

Shawnee Lodge Vigil Honor Candidates for 2023 were announced at the annual Lodge Winter Fellowship Banquet on December 11, 2022. Arrowmen were selected for their outstanding service to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow. Among these was one of Pathfinder’s own–their Vigil Biographies are below.

Declan O’Leary has cheerfully served his troop, chapter and the council training program. In this position, he tirelessly went above and beyond in cheerful service to his chapter as its First Vice Chief. Declan’s work revitalized the chapter’s service project program. In addition to his role as a chapter officer, Declan has served the Lodge and his Chapter in various Chairman roles. When not giving back to the OA, Declan spends his time building leaders as a member of the Council’s National Youth Leadership Training Staff. Declan can also be found helping his district’s camping program. Declan is a mentor for many of his fellow Scouts. For his constant service to his chapter and society, we energetically nominate Declan B. O’Leary for the Vigil Honor.

Shawnee Lodge Vigil Honor Candidates for 2022 were announced at the annual Lodge Winter Fellowship Banquet on December 19, 2021. Arrowmen were selected for their outstanding service to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow. Among these were two of Pathfinder’s own–their Vigil Biographies are below.

DeAndre L. Westbrook III

Eagle Scout DeAndre Westbrook has served his chapter in a way few others could. After serving his chapter for years as Secretary, he led and guided the Pathfinder Chapter through COVID-19 as Chapter Chief. During his term, despite the pandemic, DeAndre went above and beyond to ensure that his chapter not only survived, but thrived. He is now the chair of the Jack J. Sophir award committee for the Pathfinder Chapter. Additionally, DeAndre has served his district camporee staff many times, returning in the fall of 2021 to serve as Campmaster. For his endless dedication to improving his chapter, we gladly nominate DeAndre L Westbrook III for the Vigil Honor.

John K. McCandliss

Scouter John McCandliss has served extraordinarily in his troop and his chapter for years. His dedication far exceeds what is required of him as a member of his Scouting community. He is currently the Advancement Chair for his troop and provides Scouts with frequent updates and detailed information on their roads to Eagle. John epitomizes the servant leadership mentality of the Order of the Arrow. For his dedicated service to generations of Scouts, we enthusiastically nominate John McCandliss for the Vigil Honor.

Elin Asvaldsdottir

Scouter Elin Asvaldsdottir has demonstrated limitless service to the Order of the Arrow and Scouting program. In her chapter, she has served as a long-time Ceremonial Advisor and most recently Associate Chapter Adviser. She is a tremendous advocate and recruiter for her chapter’s ceremonial teams. In her troop, she serves as an Assistant Scoutmaster as well as Scoutmaster to a newly chartered troop. She is always willing and eager to help, and she inspires others to do the same. For her outstanding dedication to her troop and her chapter, we eagerly nominate Elin Asvaldsdottir for the Vigil Honor.

Alexander Ficken

Eagle Scout Alexander Ficken has shown service and dedication through his admirable work in his troop and chapter. He has served his Chapter as the Second Vice Chief and is currently serving as Chapter Secretary. He has also been a vital member on his chapter’s ceremonial teams for countless years. In his own troop, he has served in numerous leadership positions. Additionally, he has served as Campmaster for his district’s winter camporee and has staffed multiple other camporees. For his passion and dedication to the Order of the Arrow and Scouting as a whole, we enthusiastically nominate Alexander D. Ficken for the Vigil Honor.

Mark Langston

Scouter Mark J. Langston has fully dedicated himself to the Scouting Program. After earning his Eagle Scout as a youth, he has continued his service as an adult by devoting himself tirelessly to his District, his Troop and his Pack. Over his many years of service, Mark has served as a Cubmaster, Advancement Chairman, Unit Commissioner, Roundtable Chairman, and District Commissioner. Mark has also worked actively with his district’s Urban Outreach Program since its creation, providing a countless number of urban families access to quality Scouting programs. For his devout commitment to all those in Scouting and in his community, we cheerfully nominate Mark J. Langston for the Vigil Honor.

Garry R. Aronberg

Scouter Garry Aronberg is committed to the Scouting Program. Earning Eagle Scout as a youth, he has remained steadfast in his dedication to his unit, starting it back up after it had folded and serving as its Scoutmaster . Over the years, Garry has served in the roles of Committee Chairman and Assistant Scoutmaster, and has served as Scoutmaster for over two decades. The Unit is the backbone of Scouting, and Garry has been the backbone of his unit for more years than the Scouts in his troop have been alive. For his unending passion for growing young men into leaders, we thankfully nominate Garry R. Aronberg for the Vigil honor.

Harvey T. Barrett

Scouter Tom Barrett is an ardent supporter of the Scouting program. With a clear passion for training, Tom has served on his District’s Adult Leader Training Staff and Roundtable Staff along with serving on multiple courses of Wood Badge staff. Tom is also very involved in many of the Council’s fishing programs, including Certified Angling Instructor Training. Tom is also well known for his frisbee golf passion and was instrumental in putting together a course at S-F. Tom’s willingness to serve is known by most who come in contact with him and has a great impact on the youth in his Unit and the leaders he trains. For his dedication to developing both Scouts and Scouters into better leaders, we enthusiastically nominate Harvey T. Barrett for the Vigil Honor.

Max J. Wild

Eagle Scout Max Wild is a dedicated and hardworking member of the Order. Since his induction, he has played an important role in his Chapter and District. Max served as his Chapter’s Service Chairman, planning several service projects, allowing others to have more opportunities to complete their Brotherhood requirements. He has also served as Chapter Secretary and First Vice Chief, devoting time and effort to ensuring his Chapter runs smoothly. At the District level, Max has served on several Camporee Staffs, also performing the role of Campmaster. For his continued service to his Unit, District, and Chapter, we ecstatically nominate Max J. Wild for the Vigil Honor.

Samuel R. Beyes

Sam Beyes is a very enthusiastic and hardworking member within the Order. Since his induction he has served his Chapter as Chapter Chief, Second Vice Chief, and as a Chapter Chairman. During his time as a Ceremonialist, Sam has performed numerous ceremonies. Sam has also served his District on several Camporee Staffs and recently was a Camporee Campmaster. Sam also serves his District as a Den Chief for many Cub Scout day camps. For his enthusiastic dedication to the Scouting program we cheerfully nominate Samuel R. Beyes for the Vigil Honor.

Nicole R. Bopp

Scouter Nicole Bopp is truly dedicated to the Order and the Scouting community. She current serves as Chapter Adviser and has served her Chapter as a Ceremonial Team Adviser and Camp Promotion Adviser. Nicole has provided valuable support to the members of her Chapter’s Ceremonial Teams, helping them with learning their roles, and constructing their regalia. Within her Troop, she serves as the Committee Chairman, Fundraising Chair, and Religious Emblem Coordinator. For her enthusiastic service to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow, we proudly nominate Nicole R. Bopp for the Vigil Honor.

Tony L. Arnold

Scouter Tony Arnold inspires all the Scouts in his troop and chapter to become the very best leaders they can be. He has served his district’s committee in several capacities such as finance and nominating chairman, as well as District Vice Chairman. Tony has served his chapter as a ceremonial team adviser. A Scoutmaster for many years, Tony’s leadership has breathed new life into his troop. He uses his position as Scoutmaster to encourage the youth of his troop to staff camporees and klondikes as a way to help further develop their leadership skills. For his selfless manner and drive to aid scouts, we humbly nominate Tony L. Arnold for the Vigil Honor.

Wyatt Arnold

Eagle Scout Wyatt Arnold has been one of the most active and dedicated members of his chapter since his induction. He is a hard-working member of the ceremonial teams, performing the Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal and Brotherhood ceremonies sometimes all in the same weekend. Wyatt aided the Lodge by performing the Brotherhood ceremony at the Order of the Arrow Summer Camp, sacrificing his time that could have been spent participating in programs. His passion for Scouting seems to never waver, and his willingness to serve his fellow Arrowmen only grows stronger. He is a bright role model for in his Chapter and continues to work in the interest of our Lodge. For these reasons, we excitedly nominate Wyatt Arnold for the Vigil Honor.

Ethan A. Bopp

Eagle Scout Ethan Bopp has been an incredible asset to his chapter, troop and our council’s camping program. A dedicated ceremonialist, he has performed countless ceremonies since his induction to the Order. Eager for more opportunities to lead in the service of others, he became his chapter’s Ceremonial Chairman, Chapter Secretary and currently serves as Chapter Chief. Ethan has served on our Council’s Summer Camp Staff, providing leadership, passion and enthusiasm for Scouting. He has given greatly of his time and has shown impressive leadership skills and dedication to the Order. For his passion for leadership in the service of others, we wholeheartedly nominate Ethan A. Bopp for the Vigil Honor.

Dale M. Christiansen

Scouter Dale Christiansen is an ardent supporter of the Order of the Arrow and the Scouting program. With his support and enthusiasm for the Order of the Arrow, Dale uses his position as Scoutmaster to encourage youth members of his troop to become increasingly involved. He is currently serving his chapter as the Service Adviser, and with his assistance his chapter has seen a rebirth in their service program. Dale has been recognized with his chapter’s Arrowman of the Year Award. For his continued enthusiasm for service and his support of the Order of the Arrow, we cheerfully nominate Dale M. Christiansen for the Vigil Honor.

Dave A. DuBois

Scouter Dave Dubois has been involved with Scouting since he was a Cub Scout and became an Eagle Scout as a youth. He is involved in the council with the Catholic Committee on Scouting and his district as the Camping Chairman. He encourages Scouts to strengthen their leadership skills by getting involved in Camporees, National Youth Leadership Training, and Summer Camp staffs. Dave makes sure the Scouts have the opportunity to participate in trips to high adventure bases and specialty camps. For his dedication to Scouting and its participants, we eagerly nominate David A. Dubois for the Vigil Honor.

Griffin C. Stoeckel

Eagle Scout Griffin Stoeckel has a contagious enthusiasm for Scouting. He is very active in his troop, inspiring excitement in younger scouts. Griffin has served on many Camporee Staffs in his District and served the lodge as an Order of the Arrow coordinator while serving on camp staff. His service and excitement for the Scouting program does not only keep him involved, but encourages other Scouts to become leaders. He has served in various positions at the Chapter, Lodge and Section levels, often holding several positions at the same time. For his dedication and willingness to lead and serve, we proudly nominate Griffin C. Stoeckel for the Vigil Honor.

Daniel A. Stoeckel

Scouter Dan Stoeckel is a member of our Lodge who is absolutely devoted to cheerful service. He strives to find opportunities to help out where he can and, in doing so, he is involved in helping with Troop functions, District Camporees, and Outdoor Leader Training. Dan helps in the Chapter by promoting and aiding Ceremonial Teams and serving as a Ceremonial Adviser. For his continued service to Scouting and our Lodge, we humbly nominate Daniel A. Stoeckel for the Vigil Honor.

Gregory R. Webb

Scouter Greg Webb is the absolute epitome of what is looked for in a Vigil Candidate. He is a humble, selfless servant who cheerfully serves others and the Scouting Program. Greg is heavily involved in his District and our Council. Greg serves as Pathfinder District’s Training Chairman, he is a member of Pathfinder’s Quartermaster Corps, he has been a Unit Commissioner for 25 years, he serves on the Catholic Committee on Scouting, overseeing Catholic Adventure Week at Swift, and he has been Camp Master for 22 Cub Scout Day Camps. It is readily apparent that he has made distinguished contributions to the Scouting Community and the Scout Camping Program, and it is for this reason that we eagerly and wholeheartedly nominate Gregory R. Webb for the Vigil Honor.

Matthew J. Beyes

Eagle Scout Matthew Beyes has diligently served Scouting and the Order of the Arrow for many years. Matt has humbly served his troop in many different positions, including two terms as Senior Patrol Leader. He is currently serving as Chapter Chief, he has received his Chapter’s Arrowman of the Year award, and attended the National Order of the Arrow Conference. Matthew has been a leader of his Chapter’s Ceremonial Teams and has dedicated himself to the camping program by serving on Camp Staff and many Camporee Staffs. For these, and many other reasons, we enthusiastically nominate Matthew J. Beyes the honor of Vigil.

Zackary E. Becker

Eagle Scout Zack Becker has enthusiastically served the Order of the Arrow and Scouting. Zack has demonstrated leadership as his Troop’s Senior Patrol Leader, as his Chapter’s Chief and Troop Representative Chairman, and as the Section and National Events Chairman for the Lodge. Zack has participated in many OA programs including the National Leadership Seminar, National Order of the Arrow Conference, and OA Trail Crew at Philmont. Zack has served on our Council’s Summer Camp Staff, as a Ranger at Philmont, and as the Campmaster for one of his District’s Camporees. For his passionate and consistent dedication to the Order of the Arrow and the camping program, we wholeheartedly nominate Zackary E. Becker for the Vigil Honor.

Christopher J. Hahn

Eagle Scout Christopher Hahn has shown tremendous leadership and dedication to Scouting. Since his induction into the Order, he has served his Chapter as Ordeal Chairman, Brotherhood Chairman, and is currently Second Vice Chief. Christopher’s biggest passion is in Ceremonies where he has played roles in the Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Pre-Ordeal Ceremonies. His tireless work in his Chapter earned him the Chapter’s Arrowman of the Year award. Christopher has been a very active member, attending Camporees, NYLT, four Summer Camps, and two High Adventure Camps. Christopher has also served on three of his District’s Camporee Staffs and two summers of our Council’s Summer Camp Staff. For his continuous service in all of these areas, we cheerfully nominate Christopher J. Hahn for the Vigil Honor.

Zachary J. Russell

Eagle Scout Zach Russell has exemplified unselfish service and devotion to the Camping program, Pathfinder District’s Venturing program, and the Order of the Arrow. Zach has served several summers on the Council’s Camp Staff, working at both Camp Gamble and Camp May. He has also made contributions to his District’s Camping program, serving on an unmatched number of Camporee Staffs. Zach has also led his Chapter as First Vice Chief and currently serves as an officer at the District level in Venturing. For his enthusiasm and unselfish contributions to the Order of the Arrow, we honorably nominate Zachary Russell for the Vigil Honor.

Mark D. Zumwalt

Scouter Mark Zumwalt has demonstrated continuous support of the Order of the Arrow and the camping program for over twenty years. For his Troop he has served as Committee Chairman, Chartered Organization Representative, Merit Badge Counselor, and Provisional Summer Camp Scoutmaster. For his District he has provided logistical District leadership for Fall Reunions, Spring Conclaves, Camporees, and other events. For the Council, Mark has planned and lead logistics for various events including the recent Community Emergency Preparedness Summit. For his dedication and behind-the-scenes support to the youth of the Lodge, we enthusiastically nominate Mark D. Zumwalt for the Vigil Honor.

Brendan L. Boyle

Eagle Scout Brendan Boyle has provided tireless, cheerful service to his Chapter and the Shawnee Lodge. He has served in multiple Chapter Chairmen positions and, last year, served as his Chapter’s First Vice Chief. He has displayed his dedication to his chapter during his term as Troop Rep Chairmen, taking time to personally contact every troop when an issue with the Chapter’s postcard mailing for a meeting arose. As First Vice Chief, he continued to seek ways to help improve the Chapter. In recognition of his willingness to unselfishly serve his Chapter and fellow Arrowmen, we wholeheartedly nominate Brendan L. Boyle for the Vigil Honor.

Joel M. Schwartz

Scouter Joel Schwartz plays an essential role in his Chapter’s communication. As Webmaster Adviser, he has guided youth to provide a valuable resource for Chapter information. He supports his District’s Roundtables, helping to organize and lead meetings. Furthermore he has proven to be an essential part of his Troop, supporting the youth in delivering an outstanding program. For his unending devotion and service to his Troop, District, and Chapter, we humbly nominate Joel M. Schwartz for the Vigil Honor.

Heather H. Henderson

Scouter Heather Henderson has worked tirelessly to ensure that District camping and Order of the Arrow programs are successful. She unselfishly served as Ceremonial Team Adviser for her Chapter, aiding youth in preparation of regalia and providing leadership to multiple Ordeal and Crossover teams. She currently serves as District Camping Chair, enabling youth Campmasters to produce quality programs. For her unwavering dedication and her unselfish service, we proudly nominate Heather H. Henderson for the Vigil Honor.

Shawnee Lodge Vigil Honor Candidates for 2014 were announced at the annual Lodge Winter Fellowship Banquet held in December 2013. Ten Arrowmen were selected for their outstanding service to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow. Among those Arrowmen, Pathfinder had one member become a 2014 Vigil Honor Candidates. Congratulations to Ryan Stoeckel.

Ryan D. Stoeckel

Eagle Scout Ryan Stoeckel truly exemplifies the principles of cheerful service in the Order of the Arrow. He has served his chapter as Webmaster and currently is serving as chapter chief. When his chapter’s camp promotions program fell through, Ryan, at the time just a webmaster chairman, took most of the promotions on himself to help spread the word about our Council’s camping program. Last year he volunteered to be a part of his chapter’s very first Pre-Ordeal team and was instrumental in leading his fellow Arrowmen. For his eagerness to serve and his cheerful attitude that truly exemplifies the principles of the Order, we wholeheartedly nominate Ryan D. Stoeckel for the Vigil honor.

Shawnee Lodge Vigil Honor Candidates for 2013 were announced at the annual Lodge Winter Fellowship Banquet held in December 2012. Thirty one arrowmen were selected for their outstanding service to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow. Among those Arrowmen, Pathfinder had three members become 2013 Vigil Honor Candidates. Congratulations to Thomas Van Horn, Josh Bright, and Matt Beyes .

Matthew D. Beyes

Scouter Matt Beyes has demonstrated exemplary service to his chapter, troop, and pack. He has proven himself as an asset to his chapter by developing his chapter’s ceremonial team program. Currently acting as his chapter’s Ordeal Adviser, Matt has also served his chapter as Brotherhood Adviser the past several years. Matt has helped mentor many new Arrowmen and has helped to instill the passion which he holds for ceremonies within them. Mr. Matt is perhaps best known for his character embodied by his ever present cheerful demeanor. For his constant service to the Order of the Arrow, we wholeheartedly nominate Matthew D. Beyes for the Vigil Honor.

Joshua S. Bright

Eagle Scout Josh Bright has demonstrated true leadership to the Order of the Arrow and the Scouting program. He cheerfully served the lodge as Second Vice Chief and served his chapter as Second Vice Chief and Secretary. On the council level, Josh served for five years on NYLT staff and two years as a member of the council’s camp staff. He has also served his district by staffing numerous camporees and klondikes. For his selfless model of outstanding commitment and tireless service to the Order of the Arrow and the Scouting program, we willingly nominate Joshua S. Bright for the Vigil Honor.

Thomas R. Van Horn

Eagle Scout Thomas Van Horn is an excellent example of a dedicated Arrowman. He has participated in his chapter’s ceremonial teams for three years. He served as campmaster and assistant campmaster for his district’s camporee. Thomas held the Ordeal Chairman position in his chapter, and then continued to serve as Chapter Chief. He has offered his service to his chapter on numerous service projects and has received his chapter’s Distinguished Arrowman Award. Currently serving as Lodge Corresponding Secretary, Thomas continues to show his dedication to the Order. For his unselfish contributions to the Order of the Arrow, we eagerly nominate Thomas R. Van Horn for the Vigil Honor.

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