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Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award

Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award is given to Arrowmen who have performed outstanding service to Pathfinder Chapter. Nominate Scouts and Scouters who you believe have given distinguished service directly to the Pathfinder Chapter for at least two years. To nominate someone download the nomination form for the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award

Jack J. Sophir Lifetime Achievement Award

Pathfinder Chapter also has a Jack J. Sophir Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is given to Scouters who are believed to have given a lifetime (minimum of ten years) of achievement and participation in the Order of the Arrow. The nominee must previously have received the Pathfinder Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award. Nominate someone by downloading nomination form for the Jack J. Sophir Lifetime Achievement Award.

Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year and Jack J. Sophir Lifetime Achievement Awards are presented each year at the Chapter Fellowship Banquet in February. If you believe someone is worthy of either award, nominate that person; do not expect someone else to do it, as they may go unrecognized.

Past Recipients and Resumes

Pathfinder Chapter is looking for your Scouting Resumes.  Resumes are used to help Arrowmen nominate fellow Arrowmen for these awards and for the Vigil Honor, providing information that may be required on each nomination form. Fill one out today and mail it to our Chapter Advisor, Barbara Barrett, to aid in the application process.

See below for past recipients of the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year and Jack J. Sophir Lifetime Achievement Awards.

2024 Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award Recipients:

Brandon Barrett

Scout Brandon Barrett has been one of the most active members in his troop, the chapter, the district and Scouting in general. Brandon has served as a Senior Patrol Leader in his troop helping troop 344 thrive through his planning of campouts and activities. Brandon is currently the chapter’s Second Vice making sure our ceremonies are run flawlessly. Brandon is active in so many areas of scouting that we can’t list them all. He has happily served on the district camporee staff, NYLT staff, and Council Boatswain. On top of all of this Brandon will always step up to do any task with a smile on his face. For his cheerful dedication to leadership and service at all levels of Scouting and the Order of the Arrow, we joyfully present Brandon [idk middle initial] Barrett with the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the year award.

Barbara Barrett

Scouter Barbara Barrett has dedicated many years of service to scouting. As an adult she has been instrumental as an Assistant Scoutmaster and has revived Troop 344’s documentation for rank and merit badges making it easy for any scout to know what they still need for their next rank. Mrs. Barrett has also taken a very active role in our district serving as an event advisor many times and serving as the Campmaster Advisor for the Spring 2022 Camporee. She has also been a massive help in our Chapter. Mrs. Barrett is at every single event always ready to help, and is continuing her cheerful service as our new Chapter advisor. Mrs. Barrett has been a fantastic adult leader and a friend to all who get to know her. For her cheerful service and dedication to scouting, we graciously present Barbara Barrett with the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the year award.

Lifetime Achievement Recipients:

    • Sam Racowski (2001)
    • Lou Heyman (2001)
    • Tom Luecke (2003)
    • Beth Metcalf (2006)
    • Fran Geisel (2007)
    • Jerry Geisel (2009)
    • Miles McKinney (2015)
    • Matt Beyes (2016)
    • Michael Flynn (2020)
    • David Gentle (2021)
    • Dale Christiansen (2023)
    • Joel Schwartz (2024)

Jack J. Sophir Awards Recipients

Jeremiah Burcher Jerry Geisel
Joe Geisel Steve Kuppinger, Jr
Steve Kuppinger, Sr. Pat Luecke
Kevin Lyons Beth Metcalf
Fran Geisel Tim Luecke
Tom Luecke Robert Lyons
Walter Zdazinsky Andrew Zumwalt
Paul Carson Andrew Finnell
Michael Flavin Jonathon Grant
Tom Lacavich
Phil Gold Sam Gold
Jeff Patrylo Mike Patrylo
Byan Ranney
Sam Racowski* Lou Heyman*
Lonnan Jaeger John Mancuso
Jeff Pastorius Tom Stuckey
John Carter Mike Flynn
Paul Lee Bill Morton
Scott A. Rowe Dennis Underwood
Tom Luecke* Matt Oberkirsch
Bradley Girard Jeff Jones
David Gentle Tim Weaver
Matt Flynn Ronnie Jacobs
Jimmy Holguin Daniel Knight
Teddy Sosna Dean Bright
Beth Metcalf* Jory Cook
Benjamin Kaufman Miles Mckinney
Fran Geisel* Matt Beyes
Dale Christiansen Dan Corce
Nick Foster
Andy Faron Dennis Gallagher
Jerry Geisel* Chris Gallagher
Heather Henderson Luke Henderson
Mark Zumwalt
Michael Andersen Jim Marshall
Michael Brown, Jr Larry Henderson
Josh Picus Sam Picus
Michael Brown, Sr John McKinney
Thomas Van Horn
Heather Henderson Luke Henderson
2013 – View Recipient Biographies
Brendan Boyle Rebecca Anderson
Ryan Stoeckel Drew McCoy
2014 – View Recipient Biographies
Zack Becker Matthew Beyes
TJ Keith Griffin Stoeckel
2015 – View Recipient Biographies
Christopher Hahn Miles Mckinney*
Joel Schwartz
2016 – View Recipient Biographies
Ray Kreienkamp Ethan Bopp
Wyatt Arnold Tanner Voelcker
Matt Beyes*
2017 – View Recipient Biographies
Samuel Beyes Owen Fuchs
Nicole Bopp Dan Stoeckel
2018 – View Recipient Biographies
Tony Arnold Max Wild
2019 – View Recipient Biographies
Elin Asvaldsdottir Tylor Krieger
Alexander Ficken Joel Portman
2020 – View Recipient Biographies
David Dubois Michael Flynn*
Andrew McCandliss
2021 – View Recipient Biographies
Tom Coscia Patrick Hawkins
David Gentle* DeAndre Westbrook III
2022 – View Recipient Biographies
Lorenzo Gutting Neil Maxwell
Ben King Declan O’Leary
2023 – View Recipient Biographies
Ethan Chapie George McCandliss
Trey Maxwell Dale Christiansen*
2024 – View Recipient Biographies
Barbara Barrett Brandon Barrett
Joel Schwartz*


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