Gravois Trail Chapter

Upcoming Events
- Social with New Horizons -Beaumont, TBD
Ice cream social on May 18th at Suson Park from 2-4.
This will be open to all OA members as well as scouts who are eligible for election.

Chapter News
New Chapter Officers: Chief – Kyle Floyd, 1st Vice – Ian Parai, 2nd Vice – Adam Kovarik, and Sec. – Gavin LaChance
- Elsewhere Elections for Troops going out of Council for summer camp.
May 1 to 31st – Scoutmasters Watch your email for information. - Pay your dues

Service Projects
Join us on Social Media!
Gravois Trail is one of nine chapters comprising Shawnee Lodge #51, Order of the Arrow. We are chartered by the Gravois Trail District of the Greater St. Louis Area Council, BSA. As a chapter, we promote the fourfold purpose of the OA: recognizing honor campers, promoting the BSA camping program, building leaders, and living lives of cheerful service.
2024-25 Chapter Officers

Chapter Chief
Kyle Floyd
Honor: Brotherhood
My favorite thing about the OA is the ceremonies.

First Vice Chief
Ian Parai
Honor: Brotherhood
My favorite thing is the ceremonies and the special atmosphere

Second Vice Chief
Adam Kovarik
Honor: Brotherhood
My favorite thing about the OA is ceremonies and the opportunity to build friendships.

Gavin LaChance
Honor: Brotherhood
My favorite thing about the OA is the ceremonies and friendships you build in OA

William Blumenkemper
Honor: Brotherhood
My favorite thing about the OA is the camaraderie and brotherhood, along with the fact that we can come together and complete projects that better our community.

Associate Chapter Adviser
Dale Kannawurf
Honor: Vigil
My favorite thing about the OA is ceremonies and the honor to work with such outstanding young adults.