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January-April 2021 Financial Report

For the period from January 1, 2021 to April 30, 2021, the Shawnee Lodge had profits of $7,576. While not all revenues have been collected or expenses incurred, the in-person Spring Conclave contributed to a profitable bottom line. Revenues were driven by Spring Conclave ticket sales, trading post sales, Brotherhood conversion, and Vigil Breakfast, offset by the costs of these activities. In order to continue to provide engaging events, we rely on the $10 dues from each member. If you have not already paid your 2021 membership dues, please do so ASAP. Your payment not only helps cover the costs of events, but it also helps us know that you are an active and participating member.

Additionally, as part of the 90th Anniversary Adirondack Project, the Lodge raised $16,500 in 2020 and $10,465 thus far in 2021 through sales of merchandise and donations. We encourage you to purchase merchandise and fundraising patches as you are able in order to support this great cause.

Financial Report

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