Ethan Chapie
Eagle Scout Ethan Chapie has done a superb job of being involved in the Order of the Arrow and Pathfinder District. Ethan began his leadership in the chapter as the Quartermaster Chairman and currently serves as 1st Vice Chief. He is very active in Camporee Staff and has previously served as Campmaster. He also served as his troop’s Senior Patrol Leader. Ethan is an excellent embodiment of the Order of the Arrow, showing what it means to be a part of the Brotherhood of Cheerful Service. What makes Ethan truly remarkable is his constant cheerfulness and positive attitude. His infectious enthusiasm brings joy to everyone that he works with, and he is known for making difficult tasks seem fun and exciting. For Ethan’s constant cheerfulness and leadership in service, we wholeheartedly present Ethan J. Chapie with the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award.
Trey Maxwell
Scout Trey Maxwell has worked hard and has been incredibly involved in his troop, the chapter, and Scouting as a whole. Trey has cheerfully served as a Patrol Leader in his troop for two years, helping plan campouts and activities. Trey is also in his second term as Chapter Secretary, where he has greatly improved chapter communications, while serving as one of the members of the ceremony team. Trey is dedicated to service at the district level, serving on camporee and klondike staff. He is also starting a leadership career at the council level by being selected for NYLT Staff. For his cheerful dedication to leadership and service at all levels of Scouting and the Order of the Arrow, we joyfully present Trey P. Maxwell with the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award.
George McCandliss
Scouter George McCandliss has made a lifelong commitment to Scouting and to the Order, having been inducted as a youth. He is an Eagle Scout, and was active in Scouting programs as well as staffing camps across the country. As an adult, he took an active role in the Cub Scouting program as the Committee Chair and transitioned into the Scouting program with his children. He became Scoutmaster, and ushered in reforms to the troop’s patrol system as well as making it a goal to have every new Scout reach the rank of First Class in their first year. He has helped the chapter by serving as a Quartermaster and encouraging Scout participation in the Order. He has dedicated a significant portion of his life to the goals of the Scouting organization, and seeks to get as many people, young and old, involved as possible. For his commitment to Pathfinder District, the Greater St. Louis Area Council, and the goals of Scouting as a whole, we graciously present George A. McCandliss with the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award.