Samuel Beyes
Scout Samuel Beyes is a truly dedicated member of the Order. Since his induction Sam has been member of the Chapter’s Leadership team starting off as the service chairman for 2 years then served as the Arrowman of light/Crossover chairman last year while he is currently serving as the Chapter’s Second Vice Chief. Samuel has also been a very valuable member for our ceremonial team preforming and teaching, AOL/Crossover, Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal Brotherhood and the 4 Winds Ceremony to our newer ceremonialist. In addition to preforming so many different ceremonies Sam and his brotherhood team took first place at the Arrowman Experience last year and he willing gave up his time to preform the brotherhood ceremony at OA summer camp last year. Outside of the chapter Sam has served his troop as SPL, troop guide and OA troop rep as well as serving on numerous camporee staffs. For his continued service to the Order, we cheerfully nominate Samuel Beyes for the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the year award.

Owen Fuchs
Scout Owen Fuchs truly lives up to the scout motto “Do your best” because he does the best he can in everything he does. He has served on multiple Klondikes and Camporees and his events are always organized in a timely manner and executed wonderfully. Owen has also served as his troops OA representative. As his troops OA representative he has done an outstanding job with keeping his troop up to date on all OA events and he now serves as the Pathfinder Chapter Secretary. As Secretary he is doing what is necessary to be a good secretary, and does more than is expected of him. For these reasons we proudly nominate Owen Fuchs for the Jack J. Sophir award.

Nicole Bopp
Since her induction Nicole Bopp has been a tremendous help with the pathfinder Chapter. She began by attending chapter ceremonial meeting aiding scouts with memorization of lines, and when necessary fixing and mending regalia. From there Nicole went on to be our Camp Promotion advisor. Helping develop posters and programs for distribution. For the past few months she has been working hard as the Chapter advisor to ensure a smooth running Chapter. Nicole is also heavily involved in her troop serving as the committee chair for the past 5 years, and has been a camporee advisor and aided with multiple catholic cub days. For her infectious happiness in our Chapter we enthusiastically present Nicole Bopp with the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award.

Dan Stoeckel
Scouter Dan Stoeckel truly exemplifies the three points of the Order of the Arrow. Mr. Stoeckel has served as Arrow of Light/ Crossover Ceremonies Advisor for the Chapter for several years, making sure that every pack gets the ceremony it deserves. He has selflessly transported gear and regalia for most every ceremony, carrying a burden for the Chapter, yet maintaining his cheerful, positive attitude all the while. Dan Stoeckel has attended most every chapter meeting and Service Project since his induction in 2009. Along with his actions in the Chapter, he has also supported his two children through their involvement in the Chapter. For his dedication to the Pathfinder Chapter and his I waive ring cheerful service, we proudly nominate Dan Stoeckel for the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year award.