Christopher Hahn
Life scout Christopher Hahn, has been a valuable member of the Pathfinder Chapter. He has served as our Chapter’s Ordeal Chairman and is currently the Brotherhood Chairman. He is actively leading the new Brotherhood team in learning the new ceremony. Besides being a chairman for the Chapter, Christopher has actively been a member of our ceremonial team. He has preformed the Ordeal Ceremony several times and has done numerous Arrow of Light and Crossover Ceremonies. Now he is a part of the Brotherhood team. Christopher worked on Summer Camp Staff at S-F last year and is looking forward to working again this year. For his cheerful service to the Order, we present Christopher Hahn with the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the year Award.
Joel Schwartz
Scouter Joel Schwartz exemplifies the core principles of the Order of the Arrow. Joel is a humble servant leader, who has cheerfully served Pathfinder Chapter as Webmaster Adviser and as a Ceremonial Team Adviser. During his tenure as a Scoutmaster, Joel promoted OA involvement within his troop. He continues to do so as his troop’s OA Troop Representative Adviser. Joel also supports Pathfinder District through his service to Roundtable Staff, Training Staff, and the Quartermaster Corps. Joel plays a pivotal role in Pathfinder Chapter’s communications, working with the Scouts to make sure the chapter website is up to date. For his cheerful service and unending devotion to his troop, district, and chapter, we are proud to present Joel Schwartz with the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award.