Zack Becker
After joining Pathfinder Chapter in 2012, Eagle Scout Zack Becker faithfully served Pathfinder as Chapter Chief in the previous year, leading the chapter to Gold level Journey to Excellence status. After serving on the Order of the Arrow trail crew at Philmont, Zack came back and actively encouraged others to attend OA high adventure. He currently serves the Shawnee Lodge as the National and Sectional Chairman. A dedicated leader, Zack has served on numerous District Camporees, including being Campmaster for last year’s Fall Camporee. For his unwavering cheerful service to the Chapter and beyond, we wholeheartedly award Zach Becker the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the year Award.
Matthew Beyes
Life Scout Matthew Beyes, inducted in 2011, truly exemplifies the principles of cheerful service in the Order of the Arrow. During his three-year tenure in the Order, he has served Pathfinder Chapter as Arrow of Light and Crossover Chairman, Ordeal Chairman, and is currently serving as Brotherhood Chairman. Outside of chapter duties, Matthew has enjoyed participating in ceremonial teams for Arrow of Light and Crossover, Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, and Four Winds ceremonies. Along with being very active in Order of the Arrow, he has also been a valuable asset for his unit, holding numerous leadership positions, including numerous terms as Senior Patrol Leader, in troop 664. For his unwavering dedication and passion for our Order, we enthusiastically honor Matthew J. Beyes with the 2014 Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award.
TJ Keith
Life Scout TJ Keith is a constant reminder of our obligation to a life of cheerful service. He has served the Chapter as a chairman and is currently serving as Pathfinder’s Second Vice-Chief. But while it is good to know that he has served the chapter, it is great to know that he has always done so cheerfully. Having participated in ceremonial team for several years now, it is easy to see that TJ is incredibly passionate and motivated. TJ has worked extremely hard to ensure the success of the Chapter -not only through ceremonial team, but through giving all that he can to the OA. It is for his ongoing desire to cheerfully serve that we award the Jack J Sophir Arrowman of the Year Award to TJ Keith.
Griffin Stoeckel
Eagle Scout Griffin Stoeckel is a perfect example of how to lead a life of cheerful service. He has been active on the ceremonial teams since his induction in 2011. Whenever there is an OA activity, Griffin is always there ready and willing to do whatever is necessary to get the job done. Last Fall Reunion, Griffin ran for chapter office and was elected to Chapter Secretary. Outside the OA, Griffin is currently serving his troop as the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. He has staffed numerous District Camporees and will serve on NYLT staff this summer. For his steadfast devotion to cheerfulness in service, we eagerly award the Jack J. Sophir Arrowman of the Year award to Griffin Stoeckel.