2013 Jack J Sophir Recipients
Top Row: Rebecca Anderson, Drew McCoy; Bottom Row: Ryan Stoeckel, Brendan Boyle
Brendan Boyle
Brotherhood member Brendan Boyle has shown true service by serving the Chapter leadership as the OA Troop Rep Chairman and Service Chairman. He has also shown his dedication by serving as an active member of the Chapter’s Ceremonial Teams. Brendan has also participated on the District level by working on numerous Camporee staffs. For his unwavering desire to serve others in the Chapter, as well as the District, we cheerfully award the Jack J. Sophir Award to Brendan Boyle.
Rebecca Anderson
Rebecca Anderson is a true example of cheerful service and brotherhood. She is an active member of our district, currently serving as the Venturing Chairman. She has also served as the Cub Scout Week Long Day Camp Director and has worked on NYLT and Wood Badge Staff. She has been instrumental in revamping the Venturing program in Pathfinder, while still staying active in the Boy Scouts by serving on numerous Camporee staffs. For her tireless efforts on behalf of Pathfinder and our Chapter, we cheerfully award the Jack J. Sophir Award to Rebecca Andersen.
Ryan Stoeckel
Brotherhood member Ryan Stoeckel has exemplified true service since his induction in 2010. He quickly became active in the Chapter, serving as the Webmaster Chairman last year and as the Chapter Secretary for the current term. He has been an Elangomat, Camp Promoter, and is an active member of the Ceremonial Team. Outside the OA, Ryan has been a Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 643 and has staffed numerous district Camporees and Klondikes. For his never ending drive of cheerful service in his troop, Chapter, and district, we gladly present the Jack J. Sophir Award to Ryan Stoeckel.
Drew McCoy
Scouter Drew McCoy has shown his dedication to our Chapter through countless years of cheerful service. He has attended numerous service projects and chapter events, and has served as an Elangomat, Camp Promoter, and a Ceremonial Site Captain. He has also served on numerous district camp staffs, including Camporees, Call of the Wild, and Den Chief Training. For his unwavering service on behalf of our district and chapter, we gladly present the Jack J. Sophir Award to Drew McCoy.